Faculty of Medicine Szeged
General information
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Szeged
First Accreditation
Accredited until:
Next Accreditation
Contact Information
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Gábor Németh
University of Szeged, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Phone: +3662545499, Fax:+3662545711, Email: office.obgyn@med.u-szeged.hu
Short presentation
Short Presentation
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univesity of Szeged is atertiary gynecological and obstetrical center in south-east region ofHungary, deserving about 1.5 million inhabitants from Csongrád county(main city Szeged), Bács-Kiskun county (Kecskemét), southern part ofJász-Nagykun-Szolnok county (Szolnok) and Békés county (Békéscsaba).Like a university hospital, our Department is involving in the teaching ofmedical students beside the Faculty of General Medicine, forming themedical care providers beside the faculty of Health Sciences and SocialStudies and specialization programme for residents in obstetrics andgynecology from the hospitals arounded to the above mentioned region.Regularly, in collaboration with the other three university departments(Budapest, Pécs and Debrecen), we organize the final exam for theobtaining of the specialization in obstetrics and gynecology, and also forthe other specializations, like the gynecological oncological surgeon. Ouroperating activities are covering all range of the gynecological-obstetricalsurgical interventions, including for example extended endoscopicaloncological interventions (with lymphadenectomy), uro-gynecological(e.g. laparoscopical approach for genital organ prolapse, transvaginalmesh implantation) operations, endoscopical and open hysterectomies,surgical approach for infertility (including operative hysteroscopy), deepinfiltrating endometriosis, performing of second trimester interruptionsbased on medical indications, and so on.Also we have an intensive scientific activity, with a lot of publications inscientific papers with high qoutations based on the different researchprogrammes including e.g. beside the others the obstetrical pathologies,preterm delivery, genetical abnormalities, placental anomalies, infertility,ednometriosis. Our center is participating in a lot of nationwide andinternational studies, including phase three randomized controlled trials.Staff of our Department included 2 active Professors, 5 retiredProfessors, 2 retired Associate Professors, 3 active Associate Professors, 2Head Physicians, 1 Research Officer, 3 Senior Lecturers, 2 AssistantLecturers, 13 specialists in ob-gyn, 6 Rezidents.
Strong points of centre
Well-equipped simulation centre
Well-equipped tertiary referral centre established within training system in Hungary
Good exposure to clinical work and enough cases
Well-structured training system (national)
Adequate number of tutors and trainees