Professor Ruta Nadisauskiene MD, PhD, FRCOG (Honorary)
The President and the executive board of the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) are deeply saddened to learn the news of the untimely death of their colleague.
Ruta was a much loved member of the EBCOG family. She had a forward looking international outlook throughout her professional life and availed every opportunity to engage with colleagues outside the Baltic States.
Following the fall of the iron curtain, she, being the representative of Baltic Sates OBGYN Societies engaged with the Nordic Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and was instrumental in organising first joint congress outside the iron curtain, a great historical achievement indeed.
She was also the national delegate on the FIGO Assembly for several years.
She joined the EBCOG family as the National Delegate of Lithuania from 2004 and played a key role in introducing EBCOG activities in her country, including European training curriculum, training the trainer courses, hospital visiting programme and implementation of national evidence based guidelines and protocols in the country.
She was a delightful, thoughtful and pleasant colleague to work with. Her opinions on issues related to safety in obstetrics were well respected. She cared for women and contributed hugely to make their care better, not only within her own country but also in Central Asian countries on the behalf of EBCOG and United Nations population fund.
She was a valuable member of the profession and her untimely death leaves a big gap not only within the EBCOG, but also among her colleagues and her family.
EBCOG family will sadly miss her a lot. May her soul rest in eternal peace, Amen
Tahir Mahmood