Workforce wellbeing in European Healthcare: Challenges and strategic actions based on a questionnaire-based study

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The European healthcare systems and workforce are under unprecedented strain, driven by a combination of crises, including trained staff shortages, increased pressure of work, mental health issues, economic challenges, forced migration, and other issues. A recent press release by the World health organization has considered the current healthcare workforce capacity in Europe a “ticking timebomb”. In addition, WHO Europe recognized that the challenges to mental health of the healthcare workers in Europe are unacceptable and called for urgent action [1]. The healthcare sector in Europe is facing an aging population, declining birth rates, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, financial constraints, staff shortages, increased litigation, and growing concerns over healthcare workers’ well-being. Nearly half of healthcare workers reported emotional exhaustion and work-related mental health problems [2]. This situation raises significant concerns about resilience and sustainability of healthcare services across Europe.


[1] Bhatnagar B, Wadia R. World Health Association On World Mental Health Day, WHO/Europe calls for urgent action to strengthen the mental health of the health and care workforce [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 22]. Available from:–who-europe-calls-for-urgent-action-to-strengthen-the-mental-health-of-the-healthand-care-workforce.
[2] Health at a Glance: Europe 2020 [Internet]. OECD; 2020. (Health at a Glance: Europe). Available from:

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