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Become European Fellow of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


European Training Curriculum in Ob/Gyn


EBCOG Visiting and Accreditation of Ob/Gyn training programmes in Europe


EBCOG European Congress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Latest news

Application deadline for March Part 1 KBA Exam Extended

Application deadline for March Part 1 KBA Exam Extended

Kate ThormanFeb 20, 20251 min read

By popular demand, we’ve extended the deadline to apply for the March KBA Part 1 EFOG-EBCOG exam. Applications are open…

Our Publications

To reach our aim to improve the health of women and unborn and newborn babies, EBCOG is publishing documents relating to Standards of Care, textbooks, position statements and many other publications.

Standards of Care

EBCOG has produced two sets of Standards of Care for Women’s Health. These documents were officially launched in the European Parliament in November 2014.


For trainees preparing for the EBCOG Fellowship exam or practising clinicians, this textbook covers the depth and breadth of obstetrics and gynaecology.

Other publications

EBCOG position statements, mini symposia and other relevant documents and publications in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, published by EBCOG.

EBCOG Members

EBCOG currently has 33 member countries and 1 observer.

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